Range modulation

In range modulation, a track's notes are transposed by one or more octaves as needed to keep them within a specified range. The size of the range is typically one octave, though other sizes are possible. For range modulation to be effective, the target track's range type must be set to a value other than None.

The range is movable, and its bottom note is specified by the target track's Range Start property, which can also be altered by one or more modulator tracks. A range modulator track is interpreted as an array of signed offsets in semitones, which are added to the target track's range start note. If a target track has multiple range modulators, they're summed.

Because the transposition is by octaves only, the notes remain in the same scale and key; only their octaves are affected. If several tracks forming a chord are range modulated together, the chord cycles through its possible inversions.