
Only application-specific errors are listed here. For generic errors, see the Windows documentation.

Sequencer errors

Buffer OverrunMIDI event buffer size exceeded.FatalToo many MIDI events were scheduled during a callback, exceeding the space allocated for them. This error could conceivably occur with extremely dense sequences. Try increasing the buffer size.
Bad Time FormatUnsupported MIDI time format.FatalThe application couldn't obtain a current position from the MIDI subsystem in the requested format. This error is unlikely, but if it occurs it's possibly a driver issue. Try using a different output device.
Too Many RecursionsModulation exceeded the maximum number of recursions.FatalThe sequencer exceeded the maximum permissible depth while traversing a nested modulation. This error is usually caused by a modulation loop, in which a track directly or indirectly modulates itself. Try running the check modulations command. If it's not a loop and you actually need more depth, fork the code, edit Sequencer.h and increase MOD_MAX_RECURSIONS.
Callback Too LongSequencer callback took too long.WarningThe sequencer took too long generating the next chunk of MIDI data, and delivered it too late. This condition is called an underrun, and it may produce an audible gap in the output. It could be caused by an extremely complex sequence, an unusually slow output device, or setting the latency too short. If it occurs, try increasing the latency. This error is only reported once during a given playback of the document. You can determine how many times the error actually occurred by inspecting CB Underruns in the sequencer statistics.

User interface errors

Bad Format'[path]' has an invalid format.The most likely causes are opening a file that isn't a Polymeter document, or opening a damaged document. This error also occurs if you inadvertently convert a Polymeter document to Unicode, for example by editing it with a text editor. Try comparing the problematic document to one that opens correctly, using a file comparison utility.
Bad Step SelectionInvalid step selection.This occurs if the step selection isn't rectangular, and the attempted edit requires a rectangular selection. A rectangular selection includes the same number of steps in each of its rows. Non-rectangular selections can occur when selecting steps within multiple tracks that have different lengths, and especially when selecting near the end of a track.
Can't Truncate RecordingCan't set song length shorter than the recording.This can occur when attempting to shorten the song via the Song Length property. It occurs because the song contains one or more dubs after the specified length. Delete all such dubs and then try setting the song length again.
Clip WarningClipping may occur.This occurs when a Velocity command would cause one or more steps to exceed the valid range of a step. It also occurs if a Transpose command would cause one or more tracks to exceed the range of a MIDI note. If you proceed despite the warning, the offending values are clipped.
Convergence Out of RangeConvergence is out of range.This occurs with the Next Convergence and Previous Convergence commands, if the next or previous convergence would exceed the range of a position in ticks, which is +/− 2.147 billion, the range of a 32-bit integer. It's likely to occur if the convergence is calculated for many loops with different relatively prime lengths, and the Convergence Size is set to a large number or All. Try lowering the convergence size.
Group OverlapOne or more of the selected tracks already belong to a group, and will be reassigned.This occurs when using the Group command or the Parts bar Update command. It occurs because a track can only belong to one part at a time. If you proceed despite the warning, the offending tracks are removed from the parts they currently belong to, before being made members of the new or updated part.
Newer Version'[path]' is from a newer document version. Some of its features may not be supported.This occurs if you open a document that was created by a more recent version of Polymeter than the one you're using. The result depends on which features were added since your version, and whether the document you're opening uses them. The document probably won't work as intended. The solution is to upgrade to the latest version.
Search Text Not FoundSearch text not found.The Find and Replace commands give this warning if no track has the specified name.
Track Length CursorCursor must be over track step to indicate desired length.This occurs when the Track menu's Length command is unable to determine the intended length. Specify the track length either via a step selection or by positioning the cursor over the desired last step.
Track Too LongTrack too long.This occurs if one or more tracks would exceed the maximum track length. It occurs when editing the track Length or Quant.
Value Not FoundValue not found.The Replace Velocity command gives this warning if none of the selected steps match the specified value or range of values.
Export Bad DurationInvalid duration. Time format is HH:MM:SS and duration must be greater than zero.This occurs with the Export or Export Song commands if the specified duration is improperly formatted or otherwise unacceptable. The expected format is hours, minutes and seconds separated by colons.
Export ErrorError during export.The Export command failed.
Grid Error Bad Time FormatEnter time in hh:mm:ss format.This occurs when entering a time in the Properties bar, for example in the Song Length field. The expected format is hours, minutes and seconds separated by colons.
Hyperlink Can't LaunchCan't launch browser.The application was unable to display a web page. It could happen with the Polymeter on the Web command. The most likely causes are no Internet connection, or the web site is unavailable. To rule out the former, try your browser.
Import Error FormatFormat error.This occurs with Import Tracks if the input CSV file contains data that doesn't conform to the expected format of the corresponding track property. The message includes the one-based row and column at which the error was found.
Import Error PropertyUndefined property name.This occurs with Import Tracks if the input CSV file's mandatory header row specifies an unrecognized property name. To obtain a list of valid property names, use the Export Tracks command and examine the resulting CSV file.
Import Error RangeRange error.This occurs with Import Tracks if the input CSV file contains data that exceeds the range of the corresponding track property. The message includes the one-based row and column at which the error was found.
MIDI Devices MissingMIDI devices are missing.This means a selected MIDI device is no longer available. Both input and output devices can give this error. It typically occurs when a USB MIDI device is unplugged or powered off. You can recover by making the device available again (for example by plugging it back in, or powering it back on) and then clicking Retry. If you click Cancel, the device selection is reset.
MIDI Incompatible Song PositionSong position is incompatible with MIDI clock sync. Playback will start from the nearest sixteenth note.This warning can occur when starting playback with Send MIDI Clock enabled. The sequencer's starting song position is either misaligned or exceeds the range of MIDI clock sync. The MIDI Song Position Pointer message can only cue to sixteenth notes, and is limited to 16384 sixteenth notes. If you click OK, the song position is quantized to the nearest acceptable value. To avoid the warning, start playback from a compatible position.
MIDI No Output DeviceNo MIDI output device is selected.This occurs if you attempt to start playback with no output device selected. It's most likely to occur after abandoning a missing device by selecting Cancel in the MIDI Devices Missing dialog (see above). The solution is to select an output device.